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What is Connecticut’s most coveted employer? One poll’s results might surprise you

7+ hour, 52+ min ago — 

...Pratt & Whitney (Raytheon Technologies), according to Careerminds... ...Headquartered in Hartford, Aetna CVS Health offers benefits in financial...

favicon courant.com

How healthy is Connecticut’s largest river? Event will discuss the issues

5+ hour, 57+ min ago — 

...River Valley Environmental Summit, which will bring together experts... ...Valley Environmental Summit, which will bring together experts,...

favicon courant.com

DESPP commissioner: How we are fighting increased hate crime in Connecticut

10+ hour, 7+ min ago — 

...Daniel Loughman and Michael Bloom, director of the newly created... ...As director of the Office of External Affairs Bloom will lead our... ...The Hate Crimes Investigative Unit, working with the Connecticut... ...Hate Crimes Advisory Council, endeavor to make it easier for Connecticut...

favicon apnews.com

Winning numbers drawn in Saturday’s Connecticut Play 4 Night

12+ hour, 3+ min ago — 

...The winning numbers in Saturday evening’s drawing of the "Connecticut... ...two, three, four, five) Winning numbers drawn in Saturday’s Connecticut...

favicon connecticut.news12.com

Bridgeport nonprofit that provides mental health services undergoes expansion

1+ day, 2+ hour ago — 

...CT’s oldest Army Navy store to close Bridgeport restaurant owner... ..., CEO of Fairfield-based Bigelow Teas, talks about what it takes...

favicon yahoo.com > news

Bridgeport hospital promotes organ donation awareness

1+ day, 1+ hour ago — 

...WVU Medicine United Hospital Center and the Center for Organ Recovery... ...a ceremonial flag raising at the hospital Jeremy Zeiders, West Virginia... ...Zeiders said it was a misconception that doctors don’t do everything... ...donor,” Hess said....

favicon suffolknewsherald.com

Bridgeport cleared for live entertainment until midnight

1+ day, 13+ hour ago — 

...Kevin Wyne, Director of Planning and Community Development, stated...

favicon courant.com

Where would you travel to in Connecticut for a ‘foreign feel’?

1+ day, 8+ hour ago — 

...’s maritime and rail history aboard the Essex Steam Train.”... ...Originally settled in 1648 as part of the Saybrook Colony, Essex...

favicon shorenewsnetwork.com

Lucky numbers pay off with big lottery prize at Connecticut shop

1+ day, 16+ hour ago — 

...at 786 Newington Grocery LLC in Newington.... ...NEWINGTON, CT — A KENO ticket sold in Newington has delivered a $13,500...

favicon timesleaderonline.com > news > community

The third annual Bridgeport Park District craft and vendor event set

1+ day, 21+ hour ago — 

...Martin Recreation Center at 102 Fair St. in St. Clairsville.... ...“It will be a great time to support local vendors, Bridgeport Parks... ...Smith said last year’s event went well, but the park board is trying...


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